나를 돌아볼 수 있는 판타지 이야기를 좋아하며, 한국적인 정서와 이미지를 담고 싶습니다.
I like fantasy stories that can look back on me, and I want to capture Korean emotions and images.
I like fantasy stories that can look back on me, and I want to capture Korean emotions and images.

✉️ som3521@naver.com
🏫 학력 Education
건국대학교 문화콘텐츠학과 졸업
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea - Bachelor's degree
🎨 작업 Work
그래픽노블 <호량전> 기획, 연출 Graphic Novel "Butterfly and Shadow" Leader
웹애니메이션 <수리퇴마반> 제작 Web Animation "Mathmatics-Exorcism Class"
🏃♂️ 수상 및 이력 Awards & Experience
2017 한국국학진흥원 스토리테마파크 창작공모전 최우수상
Story Theme Park Creative Content Contest hosted by The Korean Studies Institute 2017 :The Grand Prize
2018 건국대학교 인문고전 창작공모전 최우수상Creative Content Contest Using Humanities Classics 2019 : The Grand Prize
2020 서울시 청년인생설계학교 프로젝트 코스 (단편애니 예고편 제작) 수료
Seoul Youth Life Design School Project Course (produced by short animation trailer) Completed
Seoul Youth Life Design School Project Course (produced by short animation trailer) Completed
2021 한국콘텐츠진흥원 - 한국독립애니메이션협회 창의인재 동반사업 수료
Samsung Innovation Museum Promotional Animation Outsourcing
Creative Talent Companion Project Organized by the Korea Independent Animation Association 2021
: Web animation Excellence Award
2022 삼성이노베이션뮤지엄 애니메이션 홍보영상 제작: Web animation Excellence Award
Samsung Innovation Museum Promotional Animation Outsourcing